In America, Anglos comprise the most affluent ethnic
group but the African Americans, Hispanics and Asians
are experiencing the most rapid population growth. The
purchasing power of African-American and Hispanic consumer
markets already are larger than the entire economies as
measured by GDP in US dollars of all but nine countries
in the world (Humpherys, 2005). By 2010, the purchasing
power of these two groups of population in the United
States will exceeds the economy of Canada which the ninth
largest economy in the world (Humpherys, 2005). The Selig
Center of the University of Georgia estimates that Hispanics
control about $736 billion in spending power in 2005,
the this purchasing power is expected to rise to $1087
by 2010. North Americans (predominately Anglo) have been
found to have more favorable attitudes toward marketing
strategies that focus on self-reliance, self-improvement,
and the achievement of personal goals (Han and Shavitt
1994). To capture this potential area for expansion, financial
services must be specifically tailored to meet the financial
needs and culture-related characteristics of these diverse
groups. The financial entity that successful develops
a unique, ethnic-centered marketing of financial services
to each of these three diverse ethnic groups will be assured
of a profitable return on investment.
The purpose of this paper is to surmise the literature
stream and develop effective strategies in marketing to
the two fastest minority groups, Hispanics and Asians.
Because marketing to these minority groups is becoming
increasingly relevant to financial institutions, using
the available literature in order to maximize effectiveness
of potential marketing plans by financial institutions
is paramount. The paper is organized as follows:
A. Literature on Marketing to Asians
B. Literature on Marketing to Hispanics
C. Formation of Effective Objectives in Marketing to these
Minority Groups
Marketing to Asians
To illustrate these unique, cultural-related needs, some
research has actively explored attitudes of these minority
groups. For example, Asian culture has certain preferences
that differ from Western culture regarding financial services.
Asian individuals have been found to respond positively
to marketing strategies that focus on family integrity,
collective goals, and the feeling of harmony with others
(Han and Shavitt 1994). A 1986 study demonstrated which
social factors, such as, advice from family and close
friends are more important than attitudes concerning a
company’s reputation or commitment to service (Tan 1986).
Traditional selection criteria for financial services
are often foregone in lieu of family advice. Financial
services selection of Chinese immigrants vs. U.S. born
Chinese and found that U.S. born Chinese put a greater
emphasis on banks having FDIC insurance (Yue and Tom 1995).
Poor interpersonal relation was found in to be the primary
restraint for banking services among certain Asian populations
in Wisconsin and governed their banking preferences (Languerre
Marketing to Hispanics
Like the Asian market, the Hispanic market is regarded
as being important due to its size, rising income, and
geographical concentration. Hispanics are the fastest
growing ethnic group and are soon expected to outnumber
African Americans (Strategy Research Corporation 1998).
Also, the recent proportional increase in consumption
has been rapid (Comer, Nicholls, and Vermillion 1998).
By 2010, the U.S. Hispanic population is expected to number
38.5 million (Exter 1991). In 1992, the disposable income
of U.S. Hispanics was estimated to be $200 million, an
increase of 138.0% in the twelve years previous to the
study (Business Week 1992; Webster 1996). The rapid growth
of the Hispanic market has been reflected in an adaptation
of the sales force reflecting the change in cultural values
(Merrill and Reid 1981; Mok 1982; Wilson 1987). This has
spawned a sizeable increase in the number of Hispanic
sales people (Comer and Nicholls 2000). The Hispanic culture
is documented as being distinct from the Anglo culture
(Maria and Maria 1991; Webster 1996). When compared with
the Anglo community, Hispanics feel more comfortable in
close proximity with other people (Hall 1990; Hawkins,
Best and Coney 1989). Hispanics have a strong sense of
familialism (Moore 1970). This gives the Hispanic community
a sense of loyally and solidarity to their family members
(Triandis et al. 1982). Due to their increasing size and
income potential, the Hispanic population offers perhaps
the greatest opportunities as a market for financial services.
Hispanics also prefer liquidity over more volatile investments,
such as common stock (Plath and Stevenson 2005).
Effective Strategies
The most effective marking campaigns to Asians focus on
family and integrity. In light of recent financial scandals,
there exists an overall heightened sense of skepticism
regarding financial markets. The core of any marketing
campaign aimed at the Asian must focus on a sense of community
and togetherness. The following is a list of highlights
to be followed when marketing financial services to Asians:
? Emphasize the concept of family, specifically how investing
with your group can lead to greater financial security
for the family
? Portray family and close friends giving advice about
you company, and how it helped them grow together
? Show adds featuring the entire family, grandparents
and children
The most effective marking campaigns to Hispanics focus
on a sense of community and closeness. In light of recent
financial scandals, Hispanics prefer low risk, more liquid
investments such as money market accounts or certificates
of deposit. The core of any marketing campaign aimed at
the Hispanic market must focus on a sense of loyalty and
solidarity. The following is a list of highlights to be
followed when marketing financial services to Hispanics:
? Emphasize the concept of togetherness, creating a sense
of closeness within the community
? Place an increased emphasis on liquidity, emphasizing
that the investments are a safe way to make money that
is backed by the FDIC
? Show adds featuring the entire family, grandparents
and children
Randall Valentine
Assistant Professor of Finance
Georgia Southwestern State University
John G. Kooti
Dean, School of Business
Georgia Southwestern State University
Dawn Valentine
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Georgia Southwestern State University