Corporate Economist and ChE Chartered Economist certification is offered by our Academic Board of
Economic Policy and Monetary Analysis. The 1st Economics
Board Certification in the World.
If you have a Masters Degree in Economicis with 3+ years of economic
policy, corporate economist, or analyst employment and experience, you may apply.
to Process your review for the ChE Credential, APPLY HERE
you meet these requirements, please send a resume or CV to resume@financialanalyst.org
prerequesites or experience are required to obtain this designation? Education
Industry Experience, Continuing Education, Accredited College Degree,Testing,
& Abide by Ethics Criteria: based on Ibanez US Supreme Court Decision. What
educational requirements does this designation have?
Completion of a economics
degree or concentration from one of 1000+ AAFM board registered and recognized ACBSP or EQUIS or AACSB
business schools worldwide or an MBA, CPA, CFA, PhD, DBA, Masters Degree, or Law
Degree from an accredited university or college along with relevant experience.
Managers or executives may take our 5 day on-site executive training courses with
exit exams to secure designation in 10 different nations. What
examinations must be passed to receive this designation?
Candidates must
have a Masters degree, MBA or PhD, Masters, Doctorate, CPA,
CFA or AACSB accredited business program or other relevant International graduate
professional exam in with concentrations in related subjects such as economics,
finance, tax or other. If you are unsure of your status, please submit official
copies for board review.
You must provide references for this credential. Mail
your CV for Review Certified
Corporate Economist (AAFM)
Course TCO Terminal Course Objectives
Economics are introduced by covering the key concepts in macroeconomic and microeconomic
forces influencing the enterprise. Economic
Principles For Enterprise Behaviour of firms and consumers Nature of
competition Market failures International business strategy International
Multinational Global Transnational Market entry modes Franchise
Case Study: Critical analysis of the Enron failure
was it Enrons business model, management or the economy?
Module 2
Research Methods For Business Economics Economic modeling, simulation studies
Economic/business forecasting Impact of economics on financial markets
Understanding impact of economic statements Understanding effects of political
events on markets Industrial
Economics Flow of financial capital, goods and services Globalisation
Technological change Trade blocks EU, NAFTA and APEC
Determine three industries that have been significantly
affected by the emergence of the Internet and discuss
the changes that have taken or are taking place in these
industries as a result.
Module 3
aim of this day is to discuss in detail competition policy, financing businesses,
economic regulation and international trade. Issues
In Business Economics
Competition policy
Trade financing and business capitalisation
Working with regulators
International trade principles
Exercise Case Study: Determine viable options for the growth of a business Marketing
Dynamics Developing fast-to-market technology for competitive advantage
Exploring the economics of customer loyalty and total customer satisfaction
Formulating an action-oriented marketing plan Return On Marketing Investment
Marketing strategies in thelight of various economic
forecast models
Module 4
aim of this session is to demonstrate key skills in Economic Forecasting and show
you how to develop the quantitative skills necessary to work as a business economist.
It shows you how to model a market and to find relationships within data. It focuses
on the tools of econometrics, used to produce forecasts of macroeconomic and microeconomic
variables Economic
Forecasting Economic indicators Relating economic factors to corporate
growth projections Econometrics Translating short and long-term economic
factors into corporate strategy Strategic goal alignments Balanced
Scorecard And Strategic Objectives Lead and lag performance indicators
Measuring the four dimensions Setting strategic objectives Group
Exercise Formulating a strategy map
five endeavors to finalise the course structure by reviewing how the business
economist communicates the impact of changes in the external economic environment
in respect to company performance and strategy. Managerial
Economics The role of the business economist in day-to-day management
Feedback models Working with the finance and managerial accounting team
Market strategy Managing people Leadership,
Vision And Implementation Leadership skills Team leading The centreless
organisation Performance management and incentive schemes

Corporate Economist offered by our Academic Board
of Economic Policy and Monetary Analysis.