~ Chartered Wealth Manager ~ Accredited Financial Analyst ~ Chartered Financial Manager Financial Planner Certified Credentials
~ Master Management Consultant Certification ~ Project Management Certification ~
GAFM Global
Academy of Finance & Management ®
Welcome to the Accredited International
Board of Standards
The First Accredited ISO 29990 Certified Graduate Standards
IBS International Board of Standards GAFM ® Certification Enforcement !
- Going Global Every Day © * We are a TUV Accredited ISO Certified 29990 Certification Training Body The GAFM ®
Council and Certification Board and the independent offshore consulting arm have continued to expand since 1996 .
In the past decade, we have approved over 800 accredited business graduate programs worldwide and in next 12 months
indicate that we will increase growth by another 100%. Keeping it Global

Certification Waivers -
If you have an MBA, MS, CPA, JD, or PHD, please apply directly
certification with your resume or CV.
Please email info@gafm.org with your CV and tell us which certifications you are qualified for based on
your accredited degrees/exams. We can review it within 72 hours and tell you if you are
Become one of our Approved Providers - Apply Now to Offer our
Certifications with your Qualified Training. Approved or accredited training program
graduates are exempt from the exam. Application to Become a Provider
Welcome to GAFM®/IBS Global
Academy of Finance and Management ® International Board of Standards. Our International Board of
Standards Accreditation council is located in the EU and USA. Our Certification Body regulates
the standards for certification and accredited education criteria for qualified training and degree programs which are a direct path to our certifications. The Board of
Standards awards designations and board certification in the finance, accounting, risk,
economics, and management consulting areas. The GAFM/IBS is TUV Accredited and ISO Certified for
Quality and Training.
Because our certifications and designation requirements are based
on earned degrees and exams from the best global degree programs, our standards are unmatched. Thus we confer
designations which are based on accredited degrees, training, education and qualified exams.
The GAFM® was established in 1996 by the original founders of the
Chartered Graduate Leadership Society. Our Advisory Board is composed of members from over 50
nations including: CEOs, Executives, Professors, Deans, and industry experts from around the
globe. We desire to raise education standards and ethics in the business and management industries.
Types of GAFM ® Certifications: Our Standards Policy
Board awards specialized board certifications, designations, and charters in the fields of: management,
engineering, human resources, quality, financial engineering, accounting, management consulting, risk
management, communications, procurement, logistics, construction, and consulting fields to qualified
professionals who have completed internationally recognized or accredited training exams & education,
government recognized degrees and documented management credentials and experience. See our list of
GAFM ® Standards:
Since 1996, the Academy has been promoting accredited graduate standards for certification in business, management,
law, and finance. Since our inception, the Academy has been focused on quality assurance based on:
accredited education, exams, assessment, ISO Standards, education, ethics, and continuing
education. Experience: Further, applicants must also have the necessary experience in
practice, research or publications in their respective areas of expertise.
GAFM ® International
Governance: The GAFM IBS is a US & European based council for certification standards with governance
and management offices located in the USA. Our standards council and international offshore certification body
confers credentials from the GAFM IBS Board.
GAFM ® Accreditation and Quality Assurance: GAFM is
accredited by the TUV Austria and certified with both ISO 9001 Quality and ISO 29990 recognition (Learning
Services for Education and Training). GAFM is the First US/EU based organization to achieve this global
accreditation. Also, the GAFM was the first to effect a direct legal articulation with a government
recognized national business
accreditation agency for certification standards.
GAFM ® Quality: Also
obtaining the ISO 9001: 2008, GAFM continues to forge ahead to ensure the quality of its programs. Therefore, GAFM
is honored to be the first private certification body in EU and the USA to have obtained the ISO 29990: 2010
Learning Services for Certification Education, Professional Development, and Training.
GAFM® is ISO 29990 Certified - The objective of ISO 29990:2010 is to provide a model for quality professional practice and
performance, and a common reference for learning service providers (LSPs) and their clients in the design,
development and delivery of non-formal education, training and development. The standard encourages a focus on the learner and the results of the process, and emphasizes the
full range of options available for delivering learning services.
GAFM ® Applications:
Individuals who desire board certification, may apply to the Academy and petition for membership, certification
and fellow status. Apply Now
GAFM ® Top Certification
Programs and Federally Protected Trademarks
• AMC Accredited Management Consultant ® is a
registered Trademark of the IBS – Board of Standards Trademark. # 4337599
• CIPM Certified International Project Manager ® is a registered
Trademark of the IBS – Board of Standards Hong Kong Trademark. # 302300336
• CPE Certified Planning Engineer is a Registered
Trademark of the IBS GAFM. in the US United States Trademark Registration
• CHR Certified in Human Resources is a Registered Trademark
of the IBS GAFM. in the US United States Trademark Registration
• CWM Chartered Wealth Manager ® is a USA and International Trademark in
the European Community Reg. # 010772176
• MFP ® Master Financial Planner ® Charter Designation and Board
Certification ® is also a Registered Trademark. # 4009142
• AFA Accredited Financial Analyst ® is a registered Trademark of
the IBS – Board of Standards Trademark. # 4025416
• AMA Accredited Management Accountant ® is a registered Trademark
of the IBS – Board of Standards Trademark. # 4182137
• CTEP Chartered Trust and Estate Planner ® is a Registered
Trademark of the IBS GAFM. US United States Trademark Registration Number 4596129
• ChE Chartered Economist ® is a Registered
Trademark of the IBS GAFM. in the US United States Trademark Registration
• MQM Master of Quality Management is a Registered Trademark
of the IBS GAFM. in the US United States Trademark Registration
• CRA Certified Risk Analyst ® – Trademark PRC
Asia/China/Provincial Trademarks

AFA Accredited Financial
Analyst ®
To become Accredited as a
Financial Analyst, you must hold a accredited masters degree in Maths, Financial Analysis or
Financial Economics / Maths, with at least 18 hours of graduate studies within an accredited
Masters or Doctorate Program.
AFA ® Accredited Financial Analyst ®
Certification - Requirements:
Eligible candidates must successfully complete at least one of
the following:
GAFM -approved degree (graduate or undergraduate) in finance, tax, accounting,
financial services, law or a CPA, MBA, MS, PhD, or JD from an accredited school or
Five or more approved and related courses from an
AACSB accredited business school or GAFM sanctioned
Or, if you have completed GAFM Accredited Exam or Executive Certification training
financial analysis/mathmatics program.
Continuing Education
Ethics - agree to the
ethics requirements of the Society.
Send Your Resume to See if you
AMA Accredited Management Accountant
To become am Accredited as a
Management Accountant, you must have an masters degree in Accounting
or Financial Accounting with at least 18 hours of graduate accounting studies within an accredited
Masters or Doctorate Program.
AMA ® Accredited Management Accountant ®
Certification - Requirements:
Eligible candidates must successfully complete at least one of
the following:
GAFM -approved degree (graduate or undergraduate) in accounting , tax, accounting, tax
law or a CPA, MBA, MS, PhD, or JD from an accredited school or
Five or more approved and related courses from an
AACSB accredited business school or GAFM sanctioned
accounting program
Or, i fyou have completed GAFM Accredited Exam or Executive Certification
training in accounting or cost control
Continuing Education
Ethics - agree to the
ethics requirements of the Society.
Send Your Resume to See if you
AMC Accredited Management Consultant
To become Accredited as a
Management Consultant, you must have an masters degree in Management or related subject such as
Organizational behavior or Entrepreneurship with at least 18 hours of graduate accounting studies
within an accredited Masters or Doctorate Program.
AMC ® Accredited Management Consultant ®
Certification - Requirements:
Eligible candidates must successfully complete at least one of
the following:
GAFM -approved degree (graduate or undergraduate) in management or a CPA, MBA, MS,
PhD, or JD from an accredited school or organization
Five or more approved and related courses from an
AACSB accredited business school or GAFM sanctioned Management
program or
Or, if you have completed GAFM Accredited Exam or Executive Certification
training in Management
Continuing Education
Ethics - agree to the
ethics requirements of the Society.
*Certifications from other qualifying universities or
programs in management consultant may pre-qualify you for the designation.
Send Your Resume to See if you

* As seen in the guides for the: U. S. Department of Labor,
Employment and Training Administration. GAFM approved exams are part of an accredited business school program
in New York USA.
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